Monday, April 10, 2017

Third quarter reflections blog.

This third quarter,I believe I did okay.I believe I did okay because I always turned in my work late or on time.I always studied hard for my weekly vocabulary test.I stayed ahead of my IXL never missed one IXL goal  throughout the whole third quarter.But I also was not perfect I didn't put in all my effort into my work as expected.Some days would be rough and sometimes hard for me but I never gave up.Overall I think I did fine.

I think I made my biggest improvement in IXL because.First quarter I was always struggling or never did them ,I probably never even attempted to try. I would ask for help but still wouldn't understand. Some days I would set IXL aside to do other things,but this quarter I have improved a lot.I always got them done ,never ever missed a day without practicing them.I spent way more time and effort on IXL then anything or anyone else.

One thing that I have accomplished this quarter that I am proud of is my butterfly project.I worked hard on my butterfly project it didn't take me that long to make it because it was made of art paper.I think I did good on it because I got a good grade and when I had to present I was focused and was loud enough for everyone to hear me.But I'm happy that I know I have a good grade for the project and ,for being able to complete the project.

Most challenging part for me this quarter turning in my work on time.Turning in my work on time was hard for me because, sometimes I would lose focus inside of class or at home working on blogs or any given task that was needed to be completed.I can lose focus very fast at any time,and losing focus is wasting time.So turning my work in on time is challenging for because I can lose focus very fast.